Does anybody want to be a moderator?

Hi Everyone - hope you are enjoying site. We set it up so folks could connect and share info and support. The network is really what you make it and it’s growing really nicely. I can see lot’s of love and support happening here on a daily basis.
Most of you probably know that Ben’s Friends ( runs this group and we run 34 other sites just like it. We have 80,000 patients and loved ones logging on every month to find support.
A big part of providing support and having a great network is having a few dedicated Moderators. In the early days this involves greeting people when they join and spreading the word on Facebook and blogs about the site.
Does anyone want to volunteer? We’d love to have your help. We can have another Ben’s Friends Moderator train and help you out. And you can always ask me questions. :slight_smile:
Let me know if you are interested.
All the best,