Post Something Positive Here Each Day

Please tell us at least one POSITIVE that happened to you this day. It can be any wonderful action or event, an inspiring thought that came across your mind, an exciting emotion, or a nice sight, smell or taste or feelings. ONLY POSITIVE, NO NEGATIVE.

Nothing is too trivial, feel free to add more positive as things happen.

I woke this morning and the sun was shining.

I had a good talk with God and I prayed for all those suffering on the forum.

I slept some solid hours during the night and felt somewhat rested.

I put the clean dishes away and vacuumed one room and hallway.

I picked some fresh herbs and used them in my breakfast meal. Nothing like fresh herbs.

I wrote my shopping list, since my check came today and I have funds now. Yea!

Pharmacy called and they are getting my Nystatin rx refilled.

I went to dinner with my two best friends and their wives and my girlfriend last night. We've been friends for 15+ years and it was so good to get together and laugh.

I had a good doctor appointment today, sent in my IgeneX testing for Lyme.

Stopped at store and did a little shopping for food.

Helped my father with some phone calls.

The weather remains beautiful and mild.

Prayed for all those on the forums.

I was blessed to be alive today and to know I have such good friends on the forum.

Took a five hour nap today, which I obviously needed, and felt so much better afterwards, headache and pounding pain is gone now.

Went food shopping and stocked the frig.I feel fortunate to be able to do that.

It's in the 80's today, that means no heater on to rack up a bill. Yeah!

I slept well last night and the rain is only a drizzle.

Lots of birds came to bathe and drink in it, was nice to see them and watch Esther be entertained by them.